The Last Time Extension Of Aadhaar Pan Link – Non-compliance Will Attract Penalty

Aadhar is a 12-digit unique identifier that is evidence of the applicant’s identity & residential address. In order to run the process of enrollment throughout India, UIDAI plays a key role. Aadhar enrollment centers work under the umbrella of the UIDAI to register as many residents as possible. Within a decade, a large population of the country has been enrolled in the UIDAI database. Aadhaar card is issued only to those people of India, who are inside the country for at least 182 days in a year.

Aadhaar Act clearly disqualifies NRI (Non-Resident Indian) to obtain an Aadhaar card as they do not live inside the country for at least 182 days. In order to obtain Aadhar, you can visit any Aadhar enrollment center. Please keep in mind that the applicant can apply for the Aadhar by submitting the required documents. The normal time to get Aadhaar card is 90 days from the date of enrollment with the UIDAI. There are no fees involved in the enrollment process. You can get registered with the UIDAI without paying any dime. At the time of Aadhar enrollment, Aadhar center staff will take your biometric and demographic details. Demographic details include name, DoB (date of birth), and address of the applicant.

PAN is a permanent account number and contains ten-digit involving both numeric and alphabets and is unique in nature. The income tax department issues this number to taxpayers and it has a lifetime card. This means that it will never expire and will remain with you for the whole life.

The Aadhaar and Pan are necessary to be linked with each other. But due to Covid issues, the Government is extending the due date of Aadhaar pan mapping since June 2020. Lastly, the last date was March 31, 2021, but due to the health issues and severe difficulties as a result of coronavirus, the Government finally extended the due date to June 30, 2021. Keeping in view the extension trend in mind, people are taking the linking process for granted. But do not be in confusion as this is the last time, the extension was granted. You are not going to avail further leniency as a senior tax department official confirmed this. Those who do not know the amount of penalty, please note that you will have to pay a fine of up to INR 1,000.

The Government does not want to irritate its taxpayers but this is very important due to duplicate PAN. Many taxpayers are using duplicate PAN to hide the financial transaction from the tax department. As a result, the Government is facing a heavy loss of revenue every year. By linking Aadhar and PAN, financial transactions are spotted easily and the Government’s motto of keeping the tax structure corruption-free economy prevails. This is your responsibility to act now and help the Government.